Full SEO Site Audit

The Full SEO Audit is a comprehensive examination of every aspect of your site from the perspective of Search Engine Optimization and Conversion.

It is the first step to a comprehensive SEO Strategy that will produce long-lasting results for your business.

It’s actually pretty simple… If you provide what your website’s visitors are looking for, and they can easily buy it from you right NOW on your site then chances are, they will.

A successful Search Engine Optimization program generates lots of free web traffic and converts that traffic into sales. That’s because a search-engine-friendly web site continually attracts new visitors who are searching for what you offer.

An effective SEO campaign:

  • Determines how your current site is ranking on the terms on which you think potential customers are searching
  • Identifies important search terms, determining how your prospective customers are looking for products or services like yours.
  • Implements accurate tracking mechanisms to measure the SEO results as various strategies and tactics are applied
  • Redesigns web pages with strategic content, keywords, and internal and external links to enhance search engine performance
  • Creates additional, on and off-site content to create additional value for your visitors while also earning more links and more exposure in places where search engines are looking
  • Provides more value to current and potential customers thus building brand equity. The more value you add, the more frequently your company will be in your potential customer’s minds — all the better for your brand(s).
  • Balances organic results with Paid Search campaigns.

While many consumers recognize that paid placements are advertisements, many don’t or don’t care. Remember — the purpose of Search Engines is to help people find answers to the questions they implicitly are asking by the terms they type into the search engine. If you provide the answers, by organic or paid results, they are more likely to do business with you and The Bottom Line is the Bottom Line.

For more on our process, see SEO Process

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